Meet Reagan Chumba a 10 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement together with his parents and his other siblings. They are a total of 8 members in their entire household this includes his parents and his siblings. They have stayed in Kawangware informal settlement for more than 3 years and they consider this place as their domicile are. Reagan’s parents are currently unemployed and they only depend on whatever odd and minor job that they can get to feed their family. Her mother is currently the bread winner of this family and she only washes other people’s clothes in order for them to earn an income to feed the entire family. Reagan and his sister Rihana were born twins, sharing almost everything including months, days and year. Reagan is not going to school simply because his parents cannot afford to pay his school fees. He was previously studying at Gatina primary before the school administration stopped him from continuing due to the accumulation of school fee balance. His parents opted for him to stay at home because they couldn’t afford to pay for him. Reagan’s family is also staying in a small house that is made out of mud a house that cannot sustain their large number. Food is also a problem in their family, sometimes they are only forces to take one meal per day for a living or even sleep hungry so as to save for the next day. Reagan’s parents don’t have any insurance that can cover them incase of any medical emergency. His parents were requesting for any available support so that Reagan can continue with his education.
By supporting Reagan Chumba with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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