Support Education

Quoting Malcolm X, he says that Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Proverbs 16:16 says that having wisdom and understanding is better than having silver or gold. Nice and expensive items can be enjoyable, but there are very few things in life that can never be taken away, will never go out of style, and that truly make you a better person.Education is one of those things. Education, knowledge and wisdom is more valuable than material things.
What We Provide
- Tuition and related expenses
- Books & Related school supplies
- Uniform, clothing and shoes
- In-school feeding program
- School transport & shopping
At Heart to Heart, we hold education dear, for in education one is given a variety of opportunities. This is why we have aspired to bring education to most of the children that we are working with. We support and provide both full and partial sponsorships ranging from primary level to tertiary level. Our objective is to walk with the children from the primary level up to the best level that they can attain for the desired job opportunity or job creation.
Primary Schools Students
High Schools Students
University & College Students

In Kenya, the government implemented the free primary education in 2003 but there has been no provision of sufficient funds for public primary schools to implement it fully leave alone those in the private schools. With improved life expectancy and the increased birth rate especially in the slums, public schools tend to be overcrowded and/or under-resourced in terms of staffing and complementing materials thus making desired quality education a challenge.
Many of the children that we work with and support are in Kibera and Kawangware slums. In Kibera, most of our children are at Karama School though many are also in the surrounding community schools while in Kawangware they are at Prince of Peace School and Lutheran school Kawangware,others are in the surrounding community schools and other slusms in Nairobi including Kariobangi slums, satellite among others. We also support children in the Maasai region (rescued girls from early childhood marriage and female genital mutilation) among other areas. Other primary schools that we collaborate with are Jagiet Academy and KEDS Care, these are schools that have recorded a good academic performances in the Annual National Examinations.
High School Program
We have children in high schools spread all over the country. We try to have as many of our children especially those in high schools to join a boarding school for them to have full concentration while at school. With the increasing boarding fees and limited chances to join high school, it is quite a challenge for us but we still thank God that through partnership support we are enrolling a good number into high schools thus increasing the opportunities and chances to many of children that supported.