Support a Child


Robin Baraza is a 12 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement with his aunt and his siblings. They have lived in this slum since the time Robin was young up to now and they now consider this slum as their area of domicile. Robin and his brother were abandoned by their parents leaving them under the care of their grandmother before being taken by their aunt who is currently taking care of them. His aunt is the one who is taking care of them and she is the only bread winner of this family. His aunt is unemployed, she depends on small and minor jobs like cleaning other people’s clothes in order for her to earn an income. Robin and his brother are currently not going to school simply because his aunt cannot afford to pay their school fees. They were previously going to school and was supposed to be in grade5 but the current financial challenges in their home have hindered him from going to school. Robin’s aunt is suffering from Asthma a chronic disease that sometimes force her aunt to spend a lot of money in buying medicine. His aunt doesn’t have any medical insurance cover and only depend on public hospitals which offers free medication. Robin and his family are living in a small house that is made out of iron sheet a house that usually leaks water anytime it rains. Robin don’t have good clothes and shoes to put on something that has separated him from some of his friends. He hopes to become a Lawyer one day so as to move his family out of slums. Robin’s family have also not paid their house rent for the past 3 months something which makes them to fear because they might be kicked out of their house if they don’t pay. Robin’s aunt was requesting for any available support so that Robin can go back to school.

By supporting Robin Baraza with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Baraza via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Robin Baraza. Thank you.

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