Support a Child


Love Agereta is a 12 year old girl living in Kawangware slums together with her father. They are
only two people in this family which live in a small village of Legion Maria. Her father is
unemployed a condition which has made them to end up in a small house made of iron sheet. She
is a vulnerable girl who is undergoing many challenges in life for survival. Her father doesn have
job he keeps on looking for any casual temporary job that may come along to keep them going.
Agereta is still young but the environment which she is being raised in cannot allow her to fulfill
her dreams since poverty has taken over that house. Her father sometimes may come home empty
handed having not done any work which make them to go in bed hungry having not eaten anything.
Love Agereta has in many occasions been sent back home because of school fees a situation that
her father can’t control since he doesn’t have any work in order to pay. Their house is so small
with no electricity.
She need support for school fees, school related items and food, to be able to continue with her
education like any other child. Kindly support her.

By supporting Love Agereta with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Agereta via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Love Agereta. Thank you.

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