Daniel Mwara is a 4 years old child living in Kibera slums together with his parents and his other siblings. He was born and raised in this slum and for now he considers this slum as his place of domicile. Daniel’s mother is working as a security guard while his father is unemployed and he only depend on seasonal jobs in a construction site. In this case his mother is considered as a bread winner of this family and many house responsibility falls on her. They are a total of 8 people in their household and this includes his parents. Life in Kibera slums has not been that promising with challenges here and there. They stay in a small house which is made out of mud and this house usually leaks water especially during rainy days. Despite achieving a school going age Daniel has not gotten an opportunity to join school and this usually worries his parents. His parents could have loved if he joined school but they are not in that capacity to cater for his school fees. Daniel’s siblings dropped school due to outstanding balance which kept on accumulating and this forced the school administration to send them home never to return. At home they usually lack food or depend on one meal per day simply because his parents cannot afford daily food. As we speak Daniel and his family are victims of malnutrition. They have also some huge house balances which will see their landlord kicking them out of their house soon. Daniel’s father also suffers from Asthmatic disease while Daniel suffers from optical problem. His parents were requesting for any available support from a well-wisher.
By supporting Daniel Mwara with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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