Ramadhan Khamasi is a 6 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement together with his single mother and his other siblings. His family has lived in this slum for more than 3 years and they are proud to call this slums home. Their household consist of 5 people in total this includes his single mother. Her mother has also adopted his sister’s child for now they are living with him as part of their family member. Her mother adopted this small child simply because his parents neglected him. Ramadhan’s father passed away in 2020 due to long term heart illness and her mother was left with the burden of taking care of their children. Life has not been that promising to Ramadhan’s family and they have endured a lot of challenges. Food has been a major problem in their family, sometimes they lack even something to put in their mouth when their mother come home empty handed. His mothers work as a cook at a certain place but her work is not that permanent sometimes it is there the other time it is not there. Ramadhan also don’t go to school for now. He has been away from school for the last 5 months simply because his mother is not in a capacity to pay his school fees. At school Ramadhan was considered among the best students. His mother has not paid their house rent for the last 2 months now and they are only waiting for the consequences from their landlord which is to kick them out if their house. Ramadhan’s mother also doesn’t have any insurance to cover their medical bills
By supporting Ramadhan Khamasi with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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