Support a Child


Meet Trevor Okari a 3 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement together with her single mother and her elder sister. They have lived in Kawangware slums for the past 3 years and they consider this place as their area of domicile. Trevor’s father abandoned his family and went away never to return and since that time her mother was left with the burden of taking care of her children. Trevor’s mother is suffering from Sciatica pain a disease caused by compression of the sciatic nerves. This disease mostly affects one side of the body and this has disabled her since she cannot work or fend for her family. Her mother usually relies on the well-wishers to give them food and assist her in house chores. Despite achieving the school going age, Trevor has not gotten any opportunity to join school yet. Her mother is not in that capacity to pay his school fees simply because she is so sick and unable to work. Trevor’s mother also doesn’t have any insurance cover that can assist their family incase of any diseases. Trevor and his family usually rely on free medication that is being offered by public hospitals. They reside in a small house that is made of iron sheet a house that has not been equipped with home furniture’s. At the same time paying house rent is a major problem to their family and for now they feel like soon their landlord might kick them out of their house simply because they have not paid for the last 1 month. Trevor’s family is requesting for any available support from any well-wisher.

By supporting Trevor Okari with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Trevor via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Trevor Okari. Thank you.

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