Trendon Ochari is a 10 years old girl living in Kawangware informal settlement together with her single mother and his young brother. They have resided in Kawangware informal settlement for the last 3 years they are happy to call this place home. Life has not been that promising to Trendon’s family with challenges here and there. Trendon’s mother suffers from sciatica pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerves. This condition has affected one side of her body and this usually disable her making her not to work. This family has been surviving through the well wishers who usually assist their family with extra food and clothing. Trendon is now out of school simply because her mother is not in that capacity to pay her school fees. She was previously studying at Gatina Primary but since her mother started felling sick her school fees accumulated and the school administration was forced to send her home never to return. Food has also been a major problem in their family simply because her mother is sick and cannot work forcing her to rely on borrowing. Trendon’s father abandoned their family and went away never to return, he has never been seen or heard. Her mother is not in that capacity also to afford any medical insurance cover meaning that their whole family including Trendon relies on services from public hospitals that offer free medication. Trendon hope that one day she will get a well-wisher to pay her school fees so that she can go back to school. She hopes that she can study hard to assist her mother.
By supporting Trendon Ochari with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.
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