Sylvester Owino is a 10 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement together with his single mother and his other siblings. They have been living in this slum for more than 5 years now and they consider this area as their place of domicile. They are a total of 5 members in their household this includes her single mother and his other siblings. Sylvester’s father abandoned their family long time ago when Sylvester was still young and left his mother with the burden of taking care of their children. His mother is relying on her security job so as to take care of their children’s welfare. Sometimes her mother goes to work and comes home empty handed having not earned anything and this sometimes force this family to sleep hangry having not eaten anything. Currently, Sylvester is not going to school simply because his mother cannot afford to pay his school fees. The small amount that his mother get is the one which is being divided to cater for their family’s needs. Sylvester was previously studying at Gatina primary and he was supposed to be in grade3 but economic and financial difficulty forced him to be away from school. Due to huge balance at school, the school administration was forced to send him back never to return. At school he was one of the best performing students something which made his school teachers to like him. They are staying in a small house, a house that has not been equipped by furniture and electricity. They have not paid their house rent for 1 month now and they fear that soon they might be kicked out by their landlord. His mother was requesting for any available support so that Sylvester can go back to school.
By supporting Sylvester Owino with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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