Support a Child
Vena Velma

Vena Velma

Vena Nelima is an 11 years old girl staying with her single aunt together with her aunt’s children. Her parents neglected her at birth and this forced her aunt to be granted rights to be Vena’s custodian. She grew up in Kawangware informal settlement a place where she considers as home for many years. Her aunt is unemployed and only relies on odd and minor jobs like washing clothes for her neighbors in order for her to earn an income. Previous Vena was studying at Trinity Academy but as time goes by school fees accumulated and this forced the school administration to send her home never to return without clearing school fees. She was supposed to be in grade 5 but she has stayed out of school up to now. The money which her aunt get only goes in rent and food. Her aunt’s job is not guaranteed meaning that sometimes she may come back home having not earned anything. When this happens, they usually go to bed hungry having not eaten anything. Her aunt also doesn’t have any medical insurance to cover them in case of any disease. They Depend on public hospitals that offers free medication which sometimes doesn’t have an impact in their body. Vena is so vulnerable in a way that she only relies on the old and worn-out clothes, something that sometimes makes her friends to lough at her. Vena wishes and hope that things will be better in future. She hopes that she will go back to school again and change the situation at home. Her family was also requesting for support so that Vena can go back to school again.

By supporting Vena Velma with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

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