Precious Ann
Precious Ann is a 7 years old girl living in Kawangware slums together with her single mother and her brother. They are currently staying at her uncle’s house after they were kicked out of their house because they had not paid. Her mother is unemployed, she is only doing a minor and odd jobs like washing clothes for her neighbors in order for her to earn a living. Even though she is living in their uncle’s house life still has not spared them in a way that they sometimes lack food to eat when there is no money at home. For now, their household consist of 9 people in total this includes her uncle’s family and their family. They also stay in a small house made of iron sheet and it’s this house that accommodate all of them. Economic and financial challenges have been a major constraint for precious’s family to get daily food at home. Precious is also disadvantaged child simply because she does not go to school reason being is that her mother cannot afford to pay her school fees. She was previously going to Trinity Academy but her fees accumulated and she was sent home never to return. She was a hardworking girl in school and a devoted Christian but challenges have hindered her to continue with her education. The house which they are currently living is also in a verge of closure simply because they have not been in the capacity to pay. Her mother was requesting for any available support so that Precious can go back to school.
By supporting Precious Ann with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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