Stephen Duncan is a 14 years old boy residing in Kawangware informal settlement together with her Single mother. His elder brother is staying in their rural home together with his grandmother. Currently they are living in Kawangware informal settlement in his aunt’s place. Unfortunately, her aunt is also HIV-Positive and unemployed. Stephen’s father divorced his mother and left her with the burden to take care of the children. Her parents divorced due to the domestic violence at home and Stephen and his brother ends up under the care of her mother. Stephen is currently not going to school reason being is that her mother is not in a capacity of paying his school fees. He was previously studying at Rock Academy but his school fees kept on accumulating forcing the school administration to send him away never to return without clearing the impending balance. Most of the time they end up borrowing from their neighbors or going to bed hungry without eating anything whenever there is no any money at home. Both her mother and her aunt are unemployed and they depend only on odd jobs like washing clothes for her neighbors in order to get money for rent. They are going to be kicked out of their house soon simply because they have not been paying their house rent. Stephen’s mother doesn’t have any insurance cover and this makes them to depend on public hospitals that offers free medication. Stephen wishes to see someone coming into his rescue so as to have a brighter future like others.
By supporting Duncan Stephen with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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