Support a Child


Meet Shirleen Masitsa, a 10 years old girl residing in Kawangware informal settlement with her single mother together with her younger sister. Shirleen’s family have resided in this slum for more than 4 years now and this is their domicile for now. They are a total of 3 members in their entire household that is made up of girls alone. Shirleen’s father passed away long time ago leaving her mother as the main breadwinner of the family and also responsible of taking care of them. Things have been tough in their family with challenges here and there. Currently, Shirleen is not going to school simply because her mother cannot afford to pay for her school fees. She was previously going to school but unfortunately, she was sent home never to return simply because her school fees were pilling up. At the same time her mother is unemployed and only depend on odd and minor jobs like cleaning and washing other people’s clothes in order for her to earn an income. Shirleen is a vulnerable girl simply because she is away from school and her mother is feeling that Shirleen’s future might fade away. She also doesn’t have good clothes, something that has led to her losing more friends simply because majority of her friend are not ready to walk with her. Shirleen’s parents are living in a small house that is made out of iron sheet a house that has not been equipped with furniture and electricity. They have not paid house rent for the last 2 month fearing that their landlord might kick them out of their house. Shirleen was supposed to be in grade 5 but tough economic challenges and financial difficulties has forced her out of school. Her mother was pleading for support if available so that Shirleen can go back to school.

By supporting Shirleen Masitsa with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Shirleen via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Shirleen Masitsa. Thank you.

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