Shaddrack Okumu is a 14 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement together with his single mother and her other siblings. They have resided in Kawangware in the last 5 years and they are proud to call this place home. Shadrack is the third born in their family and he is HIV-positive a disease which he was born with. His elder brother together with his other are also HIV positive something that has brought a lot of stigmatizations in their family. Shadrack lost his father some years back out of the same illness and this brought a lot of instability in their home simply because all the burdens were left to his mother. For now, his mother is unemployed and she only relies on some odd jobs like washing clothes to her neighbors in order for her to earn an income. His mother is also suffering from blood pressure so this means that most of the times they might lack something to eat whenever his mother is sick. Shadrack is also not going to school, the last time he stepped in school was last year when he was in grade 7 the whole of this year he has been out of school. School fee is a problem to his mother and for now she is not in that capacity to raise it. Paying house rent is also a problem to his mother, sometimes her mother might decide to buy food with the money which is meant for house rent. Shadrack’s family is living in a small house made of iron sheet a house that is located near the road. His mother also considers taking Shadrack and his siblings to a public hospital that offers free medication
By supporting Shadrack Okumu with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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