Support a Child


Meet Rodgers Arori, a 9 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement together with her single mother and her other siblings. They are a total of 4 people in their entire household this includes his single mother. Rodgers’s mother decided to move away from their house after due to domestic violence which was happening in their house. There was indifference between his parents and this usually cause domestic violence to take place and Rodgers’s mother decided to move away. For now, she is still unemployed and only relied on odd and casual work for survival. Sometimes she usually come home empty handed having not earned anything and this usually force her entire family to sleep hungry without eating anything. Rodgers is considered the first born in this family unfortunately he is not going to school. His school fees have accumulated and his mother had no intention of paying this forced the school administration to send him away never to return without clearing his school fees. Rodgers is now at home; he hopes that one day he will get a well-wisher to pay his school fees. Rodgers don’t have even good and proper cloths and this have made him too loose a lot of his friends. Her mother doesn’t have even an insurance cover that can cover them incase of any diseases. At the same time paying house rent has been a major problem, up to now they have not paid for the last 2 months and they fear that their landlord can kick them out of their house.

By supporting Rodgers Arori with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Rodgers via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Rodgers Arori. Thank you.

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