Meet Paul Ochieng, a 10 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement with his parents together with his siblings. They have resided in Kawangware slums form many years a place which is currently their domicile area. Paul was born with a disability which has affected his movement although he can move but he consumes more hours in moving for a short distance. His parents spend a lot of money in his medication at the same time they are required to look for money to pay house rent. His parents are both unemployed and requires to look for every means to cater for Paul and his sibling’s welfare.
His father is only does casual jobs in a construction site whereas his mother is doing a cleaning job, both their jobs are not guaranteed meaning they might go and come home without any money forcing the family to sleep hungry. Paul is currently not going to school simply because his parents cannot afford to pay his school fees. He was supposed to be in grade3 but due to the fact that his school fees were accumulating the school administration was left with no other option but to send him home never to return. At home they live in a small house that is made out of iron sheet, a house that is located in the middle of the slums. The material iron sheet which they have used in building their house has rust and it usually leaks in water whenever it rains and this may expose them to some diseases. His parents don’t have any medical insurance that can cover them incase of any medical emergency and this puts them in serious risk. At home they sometimes go to bed without eating any food or sometimes they usually live on one meal per day for survival. Paul is a victim of stigmatization something which sometimes affect his mental health. His parents were requesting for support so that Paul can go back to school.
By supporting Paul Onyango with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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