Meet Oxley Onyango an 8 years old boy living in the streets of Kawangware together with his parents and his other two siblings. They have resided in Kawangware for more than 4 years now and they consider this slum as their area of domicile. Oxley is the first born child in this family followed by his sister. His father is unemployed and only relies on construction job a work that doesn’t earn them a lot of money that can sustain the family for long period. His father is also considered as a sole bread winner in this family. On the other hand, Oxley’s mother is also unemployed whereas her she only stays at home and relies on minor jobs like washing clothes for her neighbors in order for her to earn an income. Oxley and his family stay in a small house made of iron sheet a house that usually leaks anytime it rains. Their house is in a bad condition yet their family opted for them to live there simply because they don’t have anywhere to go. As for now, Oxley is not going to school reason being is that he was send home for school fees never to return having not cleared. His parents have opted for him to stay at home simply because they cannot raise that amount which is required in school. He was supposed to be in grade 1 but financial challenges at home have affected his continuation. Even at home they still endure some challenges, sometimes they can only take one meal per day simply because they can only afford that. Her mother has a health related condition (Hypertension) and you find a lot of money is spend on medication. Paying house rent is also a major challenge which is affecting the stability of this family. Oxley is a bright student but the fact that he is at home is affecting his future. By supporting Oxley will be a dream come true for both his parents and him
By supporting Oxley Onyango with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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