Support a Child


Meet Moses Bahati a 5 years old child living in Kawangware informal settlement together with her single mother and his sister. Moses and his family are currently staying in her uncle’s house simply because the house where they were previously living was closed by their landlord due to the fact that they didn’t pay and the balance was accumulating. Her mother opted for them to go and stay in their uncle’s house because he agreed to accommodate them. Their current household consist of 9 members this includes their uncle’s family and their family. Moses’s mother is unemployed and she is also HIV-Positive. She only does a minor and odd jobs like washing their neighbors’ clothes in order for her to earn a living. The amount which she gets out of her odd job is the one that help in paying their house rent. Moses is currently not going to school reason being is that her mother didn’t have any money to pay for him school fees. His school fee balance was accumulating and the school administration where she was previously studying send him home never to return. Her mother doesn’t have any medical insurance that can cover her family incase of any disease or any emergency. Moses and her sister are usually taken to public hospital that offer free medication because her mother cannot afford to pay their medication. Sometimes food is also a problem in this family mostly when there is no enough money to buy food at home. They sometimes find themselves taking porridge in a day and go to bed with it having not eaten anything else. His family was requesting for financial support from any well-wisher.

By supporting Moses Bahati with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Moses via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Moses Bahati. Thank you.

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