Support a Child


Michael Otieno is a 7 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement with his parents together with his other siblings. They are a total of 6 members in their entire household, this includes his parents and his three siblings. They are staying in a small house, a house that is build out of mud which has not been equipped by electricity. Their hose is located in the middle of the slums and there are proud of their slums.

Michael’s brother was born disabled something which usually cost his parents a lot of money when it comes to medication. Currently, Michael is not going to school reason being is that his school fees accumulated in his previous school and the school administration was forced to send him home never to return. His parents are finding it challenging to raise the school fees at the same time pay house rent. For now, they have not paid house rent for almost 2 months and his parents fear that soon their landlord might kick them out of their house.

Michael’s parents are unemployed, his father only depends on seasonal jobs in the construction site a job that is not guaranteed whereas her mother only does odd and minor jobs like washing/ cleaning other people’s clothes in order for her to earn an income. In most cases they have found themselves in a situation which they have to sleep hungry in order to same money to pay house rent. His parents don’t have any insurance that can cover them incase of any medical emergency and this has seen them spending a lot of money in long run for medication. Michael’s mother is also allergic to dust, hot sun and cold something which usually affect her eye sight but due to the fact that she doesn’t have any money she has to live like that. Michael’s future might get ruined if things remains as it is that’s why his parents were requesting for any available support so that Michael can go back to school.

By supporting Michael Otieno with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Michael Otieno via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Michael Otieno. Thank you.

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