Melkizedekiel Mikaya is an 8 years old child living in Kawangware informal settlement together with his mother and his other siblings. They are a total of 10 members in their household and Mark is the 8th born in this family. They have resided in Kawangware slums since 2015 when Melkizedekiel was still a small child and this has been their domicile. Although he has both parents, his father doesn’t hive with them, he is living in their rural home and doing some minor and odd jobs there like construction and working in other people’s farm in order for him to earn an income to feed his family. Melkizedekiel and his siblings are only left with their mother who usually take care of they daily living in Kawangware slums. Although he is supposed to be in grade 1, Melkizedekiel is not going to school simply because fees has been an issue in their family. His parents are finding it difficult to pay his school fees at the same time provide food for their family. At school Melkizedekiel was being considered as on of the bright students until school fees started to become a challenge a reason that forced the school administration to send him home never to return. Their family reside in a small house that is made of mud a house that has not been equipped with furniture and electricity. At home food has bees a major problem and sometimes they usually go to bed without taking any food simply because there is no any money to buy food. His mother also doesn’t have any medical insurance cover that can cover them incase of any disease. His parents opt to take them to a public hospital that offers free medication. Melkizedekiel is looking forward to become a Lawyer in future but he feels that his dream might not be actualized simply because he is at home while other students ae continuing with their studies.
By supporting Milkezedekiel Mikaya with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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