Meet Mariah Goretti a 4 years old child living in Kawangware slums together with her parents and her elder sister. Mariah is the second born in this family that is made up of 4 members. Mariah is one of the disadvantaged children who are found in Kawangware slums simply because she has been born within poverty zone. Her father is working in a construction site whereas her mother is unemployed and only depend on odd jobs like washing clothes for her neighbors in order for her to earn an income. Her father is the bread winner in this family, previously he was working in a casino but covid-19 ruined his job. Most of the time they end up borrowing from their neighbors or sleep hungry whenever there is no money at home. Currently Mariah is not going to school reason being is that her parents don’t have any money to take her to school although she has reached the school going age. Her parents also don’t have any medical insurance cover and this put likes of Mariah and her sister at risk incase of diseases. They reside in a small house that is made of iron sheet a house that is also located near the road. Paying house rent is also a problem and as we speak, they have not paid house rent for the last 1 month and the landlord is threatening to kick them out of their house. Mariah needs to go to school and this will depend on the available support from a well-wisher
By supporting Mariah Goretti with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.
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