Malia Precious is a 3 years old girl staying in Kawangware slums together with her single father. They have lived
in this slum since 2019.
She sometimes lacks school fees which has forced her to stay out of school for some time. They live in a small
house made of iron sheet which has holes sometimes when it rains they don’t have somewhere to sleep.
They have not paid their house rent since last year December and they feel like they will soon find themselves in
the street. Their house costs Ksh 3000 ($25) per month.
Amalia can sometimes stay the whole day at school without eating anything at home. School fees is a problem
as well as food, this has made her father to be a victim of mental health many times.
Their house don’t have electricity, and the house is located just next to a pit latrine which most times has rendered
Amalia to become sick.
She needs support for school fees, Food and medication. Your help means a lot for her future.
By supporting Malia Mlongo with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.
You can donate to Malia via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Malia Mlongo. Thank you.