Lars Peters is the first born child in his family. He currently stays with his grandmother’s place with his mother. The circumstances that led to the mother becoming dependent on the grandmother are quite complicated and all she remembers is breaking free from an abusive marriage.
He is a very bright boy and judging from how he can memorize the alphabets, one can tell that he is hungry for education and determined to join the rest of his mates at school. But there is fear; he might not be able to join school because of lack of school fees since his mother is unable to get a good job.
Moreover, the casual jobs she usually depends on are not fit to feed them in the house by the end of the day. Even if he gets access to education, it would be quite difficult to purchase books and school uniform for him to start off with.
He loves playing hide and seek with the rest of the children at home. He would love to become a doctor when he grows up. All of this would be achieved through any contribution that you will have made through the love of Christ.
By supporting Lars Peters with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
You can donate to Lars via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Lars Odhiambo. Thank you.