Support a Child


Godwill Wambua is a 3 years old child living in Kawangware slums. Godwill is staying with her single mother in a small house made out of mud. Her mother is unemployed she only rely on casual work of washing clothes for her neighbors in order to buy food.

 Godwill relied on porridge that was being offered at school every morning. Her single mother cannot afford even to pay their house rent which she’s worried they might be kicked out of the house soon. They are maximum of 4 people in their house hold but his brother is staying in rural area. Paying school fees has become a challenge for Godwill’s mother. She is willing to do business given support to start.

Supporting this family will break the cycle of poverty in their upcoming generation. $ 15 can help him go to School and have meals.

By supporting Godwill Wambua with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Godwill via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Godwill Wambua. Thank you.

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