Support a Child


Frankline Likobe, is 11 years old boy living in the slums of Kawangware together with his parents
and his other siblings. They have lived in Kawangware slums for more than 5 years now. Franklin’s
parents are HIV positive, that has made their neighbors to stigmatize them.
His father used to work at the construction site while his mother is unemployed. His father is most
of the time sickly and is not strong enough to work on construction jobs nowadays.
They live in a small informal house made out of mud. Economic challenges have made this family
to lack money making them to depend on borrowing from their neighbors. Food has been a
problem for them and this sometimes affect their health more.
Franklin stopped going to school the moment that his school fees accumulated forcing the school
administration to send him back home. He was supposed to be in grade 7 but school fees have been
an issue to this family. Franklin’s brothers have also been affected by this condition which has
curtailed them from continuing with school. Franklin feels that life has not been so promising to
him something which he is anticipating that might ruin his future

By supporting Franklin Likobe with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Franklin via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Franklin Likobe. Thank you.

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