Support a Child


Meet Evete Awuor, a 5 years old girl living in Kawangware informal settlement with her siblings together with her mother. They are a total of 7 members in their entire household this includes her parents and his siblings. Evete’s father is currently living in their rural home this was after he lost his job. Her father was previously working in a construction site a work which was not paying well. Due to the current economic status his job was affected leading to job loss. Evete’s mother was left as the sole bread winner of this family having a burden of feeding 5 heads. Evet is currently not going to school simply because her mother cannot afford to pay her school fees. She was supposed to be in pre-primary1 but after being send home by the school administration she has never gone back. Evete’s brother is currently suffering from constipation problem a disease which usually force her mother to spend a lot of money in medication. At home they still face challenge of getting food, sometimes they live on one meal per day. Things have been so tough but her mother is struggling hoping that one day her children will live a better future. They also live in a small house, a house that is made out of iron sheet. Evete’s family have not paid house rent for the last 2 months fearing that soon their landlord will kick them out of their house leaving them in the streets of kawangware. He is a born Christian and hope that her future will be actualized by receiving education. Evete also don’t have good clothes and shoes to wear, something that has mase him to lose a lot of friends. By supporting Evete is a dream come true not only for her but also for her family as a whole.

By supporting Evete Awuor with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Evete via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Evete Awuor. Thank you.

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