Eugene Oscar is a 12 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement. They have lived in this slum for many years now a place which he was born and raised up. They are a total of 7 members in their entire household this includes his parents, his siblings and him. They are staying in a small house which is made out of iron sheet, a house which usually leaks in water any time it rains. Eugene and his siblings are staying with their mother after his father went to live in their rural home following job loss. His father was previously working in a construction site a job which was feeding the entire family. Eugene’s mother also relies on her small business of selling fish in order to provide for her family. Things in their house has not been that perfect with challenges here and there. Currently, Eugene is not going to school due to fee challenges and his mother is not in the capacity of paying for him simply because she doesn’t have good job that pay him enough money. Eugene was previously studying at Greenhood Academy but the school administration was forced to send him home never to return without paying the impending balance. At home food is also a challenge, most of the times they have slept hungry without eating anything simply because there is no money at home for food. Eugene is also being ignored by his friends simply because he doesn’t have good clothes. He was supposed to be in grade6 but for now he is not studying. His mother was requesting for any available support so that Eugene can go back to school and learn like other children’s. His dreams are also to become a pilot when he grows up.
By supporting Eugene Oscar with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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