Support a Child


Ereda Munyasa is a 13 years old girl living in Kawangware informal settlement with her single mother together with her siblings. They are a total of 5 members in their entire household this includes her, her mother and their siblings. Her father abandoned them when she was still young leaving her mother with the entire responsibility of taking care of them. Her mother is unemployed and only depend on odd and minor job like cleaning other people’s clothes in order for her to earn an income.

 At home things have never been the same again since her father left. Most of the time they experience new challenge with requires to be solves for them to survive. Ereda has been away from school for the last 8 months simply because her mother cannot afford to pay her school fees. She was previously going to school and was supposed to be in grade8 but the school administration sends her home never to return without clearing her balance which was pilling up at school. Ereda feels like her life is a total mess simply because she is at home seeing other kids continuing with their education. At home they are also experiencing some challenges, most of the times they can go to bed without eating any thing or sometimes they live on one meal per day. They stay in a small house that is made out of mud, a house that has not been equipped by electricity. Ereda has old clothes which are torn, clothes which have increases the chances for her to lose majority of her friends. Her mother has not been paying their house rent consistently, for now they have a house balance for 2 months which has not been paid and they fear that their landlord might kick them out of their house. Her mother was requesting for support if available so that Ereda can go back to school.

By supporting Ereda Munyasa with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Ereda via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Ereda Munyasa. Thank you.

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