Christine Kimberly is a 6 years old girl residing in Kawangware informal settlement together with her mother and her other siblings. They have resided in this slum for more than 14 years since the time Christine was a child. Their family consist of 5 members in total this includes her parents and other siblings. Christine’s father left them and relocated to rural area after things and life in the slums became so tough. Previously, her father was a tailor making good money but suddenly things became so tough and he decided to move from the city. His mother was left with the burden of taking care of them yet she is unemployed. Christine’s mother only relies on odd and minor jobs like washing and cleaning other people’s clothes, the little amount which she gets is the one that is shared at home. Christine is currently out of school simply because her mother cannot afford to pay her school fees at the same time pay their house rent. Christine was in grade pre-primary2 when their school administration sends her home never to return without clearing the impending fee balance. The problem has also been carried forward to their house, most of the time they can sleep having not eaten anything or sometimes they borrow from their neighbors in order to get something to eat. Her parents also don’t have any medical insurance that can cover them incase of any medical emergency. Their house is also located in the middle of the slums, a house which by the look is in a poor condition. Christine hopes that one day she will find people to support her in order for her to complete education so as to assist her family. Her clothes are old something which makes her friends to avoid her at any cost. Christine’s mother was requesting for any available support.
By supporting Christine Kimberly with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.
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