Support a Child


Meet Charity Amunyet an 8 years old girl living in Kawangware informal settlement together with her parents and her other siblings. They have lived in Kawangware slums for long time and they now consider this slum as their area of domicile. Charity’s household consist of 8 members in total this includes her parents and her other siblings. Her parents are both unemployed but still they work extra hard in order to bring an end meat in their table even though things are not better. Her mother is relying on odd job like washing clothes for other people in order for her to get money whereas her father relies on artesian job and the money which they get is the one that is divided to suit house expenses. Poverty has stricken their household making them not to afford even simple household commodity. Currently, Charity is not going to school reason being is that her parents cannot afford to pay her school fees. She has been away from school for 8 months and her parents don’t have another option but to keep her home away from school. Previously, she was going to school but the school administration sends her home never to return without clearing the impending balance at school. At home they also have a challenge, food has been a major problem. Sometimes they can go to bed without eating any ford or sometimes they rely on one meal per day. Her parents don’t have any medical insurance to cover them incase of any medical emergency. For now, they live in a small house that is made out of iron sheet, a house that makes their lives vulnerable in case of extreme cold and hotness. Charity also don’t have good clothes; she only relies on those which are old and worn out

By supporting Charity Amunyet with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Charity via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Charity Amunyet. Thank you.

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