Support a Child


Meet Caren Akinyi, a 9 years old girl from Kawangware slums. Caren is staying with er single mother who is so vulnerable and unemployed. Her mother is considered among the vulnerable population living with HIV/AIDS. Previously they were a total of 3 people in their household but because the situation in their house was not that good her mother decided to send Caren’s younger sister to live with their aunt but Caren ended up in a rescue center in Kawangware slums. Their house is small and it’s made up of iron sheet. Her mother usually depends on Salon work where she usually gets little amount which she divides so as to cater for their house needs. During holidays Caren usually stay with her mother, but according to her mother she doesn’t want Caren to come back because food at home is usually a problem. Paying house rent has also become a problem up to now they have not paid rent for the last 2 months and when we visited, we found their house having 3 padlock an indication that their landlord had already kicked them of their house. Caren also lacks school fees and other education materials like Uniform, textbooks, shoes etc. Her mother sometimes refuses to take ARVs because she considers them harmful when you have not eaten anything. Caren has a bright future but there are a lot of challenges on her end

By supporting Caren Akinyi with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Caren via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Caren Akinyi. Thank you.

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