Support a Child


Brivline Musimbi is a 13 years old girl living in Kawangware slums. They have resided in this informal settlement for more than 5 years now. Brivine has been born in this slum and she considers Kawangware as her area of domicile. Brivline’s family consist of 4 people in total, this includes her single mother and other siblings. She is the second born child in this family, the first born is his elder brother who also live in the same homestead with them. Her mother is single and unemployed despite that Brivline and her siblings considers her as the sole bread winner of this family. Her mother usually does some odd and minor jobs in order for her to earn little income so as to pay for their house rent. Brivine is also considered among the vulnerable population simply because she is not going to school. Earlier on she was studying at Gatina Prince of peace and she was supposed to be in grade 8 but school fees became a problem making her unable to continue. Brivline has also been born with a health problem, she is suffering from ulcers a chronic disease which sometimes impairs her movement. Even though she is not going to school she is considered among the best students in that school. At home there are many challenges ranging from food, clothes and house rent. Her mother is unable to pay their house rent consistently simply because she is financially unstable. Since Brivline’s father died long time ago when Brivline was still a child, her mother has been left with all the burden of taking care of them.

By supporting Brilliant Brivline with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Brivline via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Brivline Musimbi. Thank you.

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