Support a Child


Bravin Smith is a 6 years old boy living in Kawangware slums together with her parents and her sister. There household consist of 6 members in total this includes her aunt and her 2 children. Her aunt has been staying with them for the last 2 weeks following the separation between her husband and her. Most of the times Bravin and the rest of her family have found themselves in a situation where they sleep hungry simply because there is no any money or food at home. Her parent’s work is not guaranteed meaning that sometimes they can go to work and come back home having not earned anything. Sometimes her parents are forced to borrow from their neighbors in order for them to get food and when things are not good, they can only have one meal in a day. Poverty is the order of the day and this makes Bravin’s family to be avoided by their neighbors and friends. Bravin is also in a situation where he does not go to school simply because the school administration sends him home never to return without school fees. He was supposed to be in grade 2 but nature has forced him to stay at home. His parents cannot afford to pay for him school fees. Bravin’s parents are also not in a capacity to pay their house rent consistently as we speak, they are so anxious simply because they have not paid for the last 3 months and they fear that they might be kicked out of their house

By supporting Bravin Smith with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Bravin via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Bravin Smith. Thank you.

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