Support a Child


Alphonse Opiyo Okoth an 12 years old boy residing in Kawangware informal settlement together with his parents and his other siblings. Their family have resided in this slum for 14 years and they consider this slum as their area of domicile. They are a total of 5 members in their household and this includes his parents and his other siblings. Alphonse’s mother is the one who is the sole bread winner in their family after his father left them and decided to stay in their rural home never to return. His father was a tailor but it reached a point when there was no job that’s why he decided to move to rural home. Currently Alphonse is not going to school simply because his parents don’t have finance to cater for his school fees. He was supposed to be in grade 7 but the economic and financial instability in their house have hindered him from going back to school. At home food is also a major challenge which their family is facing, sometimes they end up sleeping hungry having not eaten anything. Alphonse and his family are also staying in a small house located in the middle of the slums a house that makes their lives more miserable because of the condition. Alphonse also doesn’t have well and proper clothes to put on, he only relies on those ones which are old and worn out and due to these clothes, he has lost a lot of friends simply because they don’t want to associate with him. Alphonse’s parents don’t have any medical insurance cove and this put their lives at risk incase of any medical emergency. Despite all this He still have hopes that one day things will be better and he will go back to school like the rest of children. He also still holds to his future and hope that one day he will fulfill his dreams to become a lawyer. His parents were requesting for any available support from any well-wisher.

By supporting Alphonse Okoth with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Alphonse via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Alponse Okoth. Thank you.

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