Support a Child


Alpha Alsiola is a 7 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement together with his parents and his other siblings. They are a total of 5 members in their household this includes their parents. Alpha’s family are living in a small house that is made of iron sheet a house that is located near the road. His father is doing a casual job in a construction site while his mother is unemployed. His father’s job is so versatile in a way that they cannot depend on in so much. Sometimes his father usually goes to work and come back empty handed having not earned any money. His mother only does a minor and odd jobs like washing clothes for her neighbors in order for her to get some money to buy food at home. Alpha is currently not going to school simply because his parents cannot afford to pay for him school fees. She was sending home from school where she was previously studying never to return without clearing school fees. House rent has been a major problem because her parents don’t have good job for them to pay consistently. Alpha was supposed to be in pre-primary 1 now but financial difficulties at home has been a major problem for him to continue. His parents don’t have any insurance cover putting this family incase of any disease or emergencies. His family was appealing for financial support so that Alpha can go back to school

By supporting Alpha Alsiola with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Alpha via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Alpha Alsiola. Thank you.

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