Meet Alishi Elshadai a 9 years old girl living in Kawangware informal settlement together with her parents and her brother. Their household consist of 6 members this includes her aunt and her 2 children. Alishi’s father is a casual laborer only relying on her mechanical job for survival while her mother is only unemployed but sometimes washes her neighbors’ clothes in order to earn money which later on, they use for food at home. Her both parent’s job is not guaranteed sometimes they end up coming home having not earned anything which forces them to borrow from their neighbors. Food is sometimes a problem in their house and most of the times they find themselves sleeping hungry or having one meal in a day. Alishi and her family are survivors of malnutrition. Her both parents have an insurance cover but the sad part of it is that those insurance are inactive meaning that it can’t help them. Most of the times Alishi and her family have found themselves in a situation where they cannot afford to pay for their medication forcing them not to go in hospital. Alishi is so vulnerable, for now she does not go to school simply because her parents cannot afford to pay for her school fees. She was supposed to be in grade 5 but economic difficulties and financial challenges at home deter him from continuing with her studies. They will also be kicked out of their house soon simply because her parents have not paid house rent for the last 2 months. Her parents were requesting for help so that Alishi can continue with her education from where she left
By supporting Adrian Alishi with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.
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