Meet Victoria Bahati, a 10 years old girl living in Kawangware informal settlement with her grandmother together with her aunt. They have resided in this slum for many years since she was a child. Victoria is the only child in this family which is made up of 3 members in total. Her father passed away long time ago leaving behind Victoria and her mother but later on her mother was also affected by Acute psychosis a disease which affects the mental health of a person making her disabled.
Upon diagnosis the psychiatrist found Victoria’s mother suffering from this type of mental health and saw it good for her grandmother to stay with her. Since she was a child, she has always known her grandmother as her mother simply because she was the one who has been taking care of her. Currently, Victoria is not going to school simply because her grandmother cannot afford to pay her school fees. She was previously going to school, but her school fees kept on accumulating which caused the school administration to send her home never to return without clearing the impending balance. They are so poor in a manner that the have ended up staying in her aunt’s house because where they were previously living the landlord kicked them out never to return. Her grandmother’s job was cut shot during covid-19 period leaving her unemployed and this was the reason for them ending up in her aunt’s house. Her aunts are also unemployed, she only depends on odd and minor jobs like cleaning other people’s clothes for survival. The little amount that she gets is the one which they use for food and rent. Sometimes when there is no any money at home, they end up going to bed having not eaten anything. Victoria was supposed to be in grade 5 but her education was cut shot.
By supporting Victoria Bahati with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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