Trisha Mikoli is a 6 years old girl living in Kawangware informal settlement together with her single mother and her siblings. They have stayed in Kawangware slums for more than 4 years now and they call this slums home. Their household consist of 4 members in total this includes her aunt. Her father passed away when Trisha was still a little kid and her mother was the one who was left with the responsibility of taking care of them. Her mother is unemployed and she only does a minor job for survival. Trisha’s family is currently staying in their aunt’s house after being kicked out of their house by their landlord simply because they were not paying their house rent. Trisha is currently not going to school; she was sent home simply because her school fees was accumulating and no one was paying. Her mother opted for her to remain at home simply because she was not in a capacity of paying it. Trisha was previously studying at Bridge Academy and was supposed to be in grade 2 right now but financial difficulties has hindered her from going back to school. At home, they sometime live on one meal per day and whenever there in no money they end up sleeping hungry. Trisha’s family stay in a small house made of iron sheet, a house that is located near the road. Her mother doesn’t have any insurance cover, they depend on public hospitals that offers free medication. Trisha needs to go back to school and the only way for her to go back is by offering immediate support.
By supporting Trisha Mikoli with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.
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