Support a Child


Ruth Nanjala is a 6 years old girl and the firstborn in their family. She currently stays with her single mother, her sister and their cousin. Ruth’s mother works as a casual laborer at Gatina Prince of Peace Academy. Her mother earns little amount of money which cannot sustain their family for long period of time. Ruth is only a small girl but the kind of life which she is passing through is too hard for her to bare. Her mother sometimes can come home without any amount which force this family to sleep hungry when there is no option. Ruth is studying at Gatina Prince of Peace Academy and she is currently in grade1. School fees is still a problem for her and she feel as if her education can be curtailed when there is no intervention. House rent is also a problem a thing that has forced her mother to move Ruth and her siblings at rescue center in Kawangware. Her ambition is to study hard so that she can move her family from the slums to a better place in future. She also has a dream of becoming a pilot so that she can ride an Aeroplane and become an important person in the society. Ruth also lacks some school uniforms, school bag, shoes and text books which usually hinders her education. Sometimes she feels as if she is a burden in their class because she cannot afford even simple school resources. Let’s support Ruth and her family.

By supporting Ruth Nanjala with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Ruth via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Ruth Nanjala. Thank you.

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