Support a Child


Rolex Mitalo is an 11 years old boy residing in Kawangware informal settlement with his siblings together with his father. They are a total of 9 members in their household this includes his parents and his siblings. His mother is not with them she usually resides in their rural home and for now they are only with his father who is taking care of their welfare in Kawangware. Rolex’s father is unemployed, he usually depends on his motorcycle job in order for him to feed his family and whenever there is no money, they survive like that. Currently, Rolex is not going to school, he was supposed to be in grade5 but the school administration sends him home never to return without paying school fees. At home food is also a challenge, whenever his father come home without any money, they end up going to bed hungry having not eaten anything. Rolex has also been raised in the family that trust in God a Christian family and by this he believes that one day he will go back to school and learn like the other kids. They are staying in a small house that is constructed out of mud a house that put their family at risk. Sometimes the money which his father get ends up in Rolex’s sister’s medication leaving his father without any money. They also have a house balance which has not been paid and they feel that soon they will be kicked out of their house and ends in the street of Kawangware slums. Rolex is also being ignored by his friends simply because he doesn’t have good clothes and he depend on those ones that are old and torn. Her father was pleading for help so that Rolex can go back to school. He doesn’t want Rolex’s future to end only like that having not achieved anything in life.

By supporting Rolex Mitalo with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.

You can donate to Rolex via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Rolex Mitalo. Thank you.

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