Precious Emma is a 12 years old girl living in Kawangware informal settlement. She stays with her single mother together with her other 2 siblings. Her mother is single and unemployed despite this she is a bread winner of this family. Her mother only relies on odd and minor jobs in order for her to raise an income that is later used to pay for house rent. Her mother’s work is not guaranteed sometimes she might go to job and end up coming home having not earned any amount, when this happens, they end up sleeping hungry having not eaten anything. Precious is among the vulnerable children in Kawangware slums who doesn’t go to school. She was previous studying in rural home before migrating to Kawangware. School fee was a challenge to her mother at the same time it was her mother who was looking for some means for her to get something to eat. As time goes by school fees was accumulating and this forced the school administration to send her home. Precious and her family are living in a small house in Kawangware and to make it worse they have not paid house rent for the last 2 months and this make her mother so anxious simply because she don’t know the next move for her landlord. Her mother also doesn’t have any medical insurance putting Precious and her family at risk incase of any disease. They are victims of hunger because her mother only does an odd job that can only sustain them for only few days. For now, this family were requesting for support so that Precious can go back to school.
By supporting Precious Emma with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.
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