Support a Child


Meet Esther Marima, an 8 years old girl from Narok, a semi-arid area in Kenya. Esther is currently staying in a rescue center located in Kawangware slums of kawangware. Her mother died and left her with her grandmother who is old and couldn’t afford to pay school fees to Esther. Food was also a problem, Esther was born with cleft palate a special condition which usually affect the lips of a person.

 Esther needs educational support, she was send home due to lack of school fees and basic school materials like; Shoes, uniform and text books.

 She is in grade 2 and is one of the top performing students in their class. Despite all the challenges which she is passing through Esther believes that she will one day prosper in life.

By supporting Esther Marima with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Esther via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Esther Marima. Thank you.

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