Diana Ivy Khavera is a 9 years old girl living in Kawangware informal settlement together with her parents and her younger sister. They have resided in this slum for more than 4 years now and its this place which they call home. Her mother is unemployed whereas her father only does a minor job in a construction site a job that doesn’t earn him enough money to cater for his family’s needs. Life in the slums has been so unwanting with challenges here and there and this has brought a lot of stigmatizations in their family. Diana was previously studying at Gatina Primary but financial challenges made him to be send back home never to return without clearing the impending balance at school. Diana was supposed to be in grade 4 but her parents opted for her to remain at home simply because they are not in a capacity of paying her school fees. At home they don’t have enough money to buy food, this usually makes them to depend on one meal per day for survival. Diana’s parents also cannot afford to have medical insurance cover and this puts her family at risk incase of any medical related problem or disaster. Currently her parents are stressed up because they don’t know when their landlord will kick them out of their house, they have not paid their house rent for a month now. Diana also lacks clothes and she only depend on the old ones that were bought 2 years ago. She feels like her dreams may not be actualized if things remains as they are.
By supporting Diana Khavera with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.
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