Support a Child


Damaris Ongachi is a 13 years old girl living in Kawangware slums together with her single mother and her other siblings. Their family consist of 5 members including their mother who is the bread winner of this family. Her mother has a physical disability with one of her leg limping. Damaris is the 4th born in this family and she has an elder sister who is Asthmatic and couldn’t continue her education due to lack of finance. Their house is too small and made of iron sheet a house that cannot accommodate many people. Damaris’s mother is unemployed and only depend on odd and minor jobs to earn her end meat. Her mother doesn’t have any medical insurance to cover her and other family members in case of any health-related problem and diseases. They have a lot of challenges in their house with lack food being part of this problem. They can even go for a whole day without taking any food due to lack of finance to buy food. Damaris is a victim of malnutrition and her family is in need of help. For now, Damaris has even stopped schooling simply because her mother cannot afford to pay her school fees. She is supposed to be in grade 7 right now but finance has become their main obstacle. Paying school fees and meals is a challenge.

$ 15 can help her go to School and have meals

By supporting Daisy Damaris with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help her meet her needs.

You can donate to Damaris via paypal/credit card by clicking the button below. Make sure to write on the note that your supporting Damaris Ongachi. Thank you.

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