Charles Oketch is a 12 years old boy residing in Kawangware slums together with his single mother and his younger sister. Their household consist of only 3 members in total this includes his single mother and his only sister. His father passed away when Charles and his sister were small and his mother was left with the responsibility of taking care of Charles and his sister. Charles and his family have lived in Kawangware slums for more than 4 years now. Life in the slums has been so tough and challenging. Charles’s mother only does an odd and minor job of selling vegetable along the road so as to earn an income. She is the bread winner of this family and without her Charles and her sister might suffer. Currently Charles is not going to school reason being is that her mother cannot raise school fees that is required at school. Previously he was studying at Rock Academy but as time goes by his school fees kept on accumulating and this made the school administration to send him home never to return. For now, he is still at home yearning to go back one day and continue with grade 2. At there home they experience a lot of difficulties with inadequate food being among them. Sometimes they end up going to bed without taking any food. Charles and his sister are victims of malnutrition simply because they lack enough food at home. Paying house rent has also been a problem, they fear that soon they will be kicked out because they have not paid for 1 month now.
By supporting Charlse Oketch with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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