Antonio Valencia is a 11 years old boy living in Kawangware informal settlement with his mother together with his other siblings. They are a total of 7 members in their household this includes his parents, his siblings and him. They have stayed in this slum for long time and he has also been raised up here. His father moved to there rural home to live there after life in the slums became so tough, this was after him loosing his job. His father was previously working in a construction site but due to the current economic situation he lost his job. At the same time his mother is unemployed and she has been left as the sole bread winner of this family. His mother is only doing a small business of selling fish in order for her to feed her family. Antonio is currently not going to school simply because his mother cannot afford to pay his school fees. He was previously studying at Greenhood Academy together with his siblings but due to huge balance that was accumulating at school the school administration was forced to send him home never to return. He was supposed to be in grade4 but for now he is not going to school. Things at home have been so messy with challenges here and there. Sometimes when her mother return home without any money they are forced to sleep hungry. Sometimes her mother is also forced to borrow from their neighbors in order for them to eat whenever there is no money. Antonio is one of the vulnerable children living with his family in a small house that is made of iron sheet a house that don’t have any electricity. Antonio don’t have good clothes to wear and sometimes he is forced to put on old clothes. His parents were requesting for any available support so that Antonio can go back to school
By supporting Anthony Valencia with 30 dollars per month you will be able to help him meet his needs.
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